[Pre-order] Dr Wu BM-01 BM01 Ape Commander (Transformers Beast Wars Legends Scale Optimus Primal)

[Pre-order] Dr Wu BM-01 BM01 Ape Commander (Transformers Beast Wars Legends Scale Optimus Primal)

[IN STOCK] Black Mamba BMB - DN-01 DN01 Dino-Force Dinoforce Dino Rangers Dinorangers - Blue Slag (KO Oversize Transformers Power of the Primes POTP Dinobots Power Rangers Recolour)

[IN STOCK] Black Mamba BMB - DN-01 DN01 Dino-Force Dinoforce Dino Rangers Dinorangers - Blue Slag (KO Oversize Transformers Power of the Primes POTP Dinobots Power Rangers Recolour)

[Pre-order] Present Toys X Power Toys 1/12 Scale Action Figure - SS-02 SS02 Shadow Armor (Standard Edition)


ETA: Q1'25


S$ 104.00
Only 2 left
Accessory List:
- Head *1  (LED, battery powered) 
- Empty Helmet*1
- Various Hand Poses*8
- Articulated Body*1
- Metallic Batman Armor - Helmet, Chestplate, Shoulder Guards*1
- Specially designed Bodysuit*1
- Black Cape*1
- Universal Belt*1
- Shoulder Straps*1
- Grenade Gun*1
- Grappling Hook Gun*1
- Kryptonite Spear*1  (Included only in preorders)
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You're reviewing:[Pre-order] Present Toys X Power Toys 1/12 Scale Action Figure - SS-02 SS02 Shadow Armor (Standard Edition)